Room 19 Podcast
Room 19 is a bi-monthly podcast about Elysse and Alex's relationship experiences while serving in the United States Air Force and being a military spouse and DoD Army Civilian. The podcast opens the door to the Williams' marriage as they discuss their experiences over the past 12 years and counting. The purpose of these weekly conversations is not to tell people what they should do or portray that Alex and Elysse have it all figured out. Instead, the intent is to provide content that opens the door to building healthy relationships amongst couples, family, friends, co-workers, or whatever ship you are in.
27 episodes
In this week's episode, Alex and Elysse discuss what does submission look like in the Williams household?
Season 2
Episode 23

Why Do You Love Me?
In this episode, Alex and Elysse explain why love is so essential and how love can change over the course of a relationship. Why do you love me?
Season 2
Episode 22

It's Room 19's Anniversary!!!
Alex and Elysse celebrate Room 19 Podcast's first anniversary in this episode!
Season 2
Episode 21

MENtal Health
In this episode, Alex and Elysse discuss how important mental health is in a relationship.
Season 2
Episode 20

Are You Married, or Are You Happily Married?
In this episode, Elysse and Alex discuss the difference between being married and being happily married. Is there a difference? And if so, what does that look like?
Season 2
Episode 19

Room 19 Year in Review
In this episode, Alex and Elysse reflect on the year and everything they have experienced. It is important to know that even the best relationships need improvement.
Season 2
Episode 18

Competitive Parenting
In this episode, Alex and Elysse discuss their journey with being competitive parents and what they have learned along the way.
Season 2
Episode 17

Soul Food Part 2
In this episode Alex and Elysse continue their discussion on recent events that occurred during a family emergency.
Season 2
Episode 16

Soul Food
When life is hitting you from all angles, how do you respond? It's in those moments that make you appreciate what's most important. In this episode, Alex and Elysse discuss how recent events have been enlightening for their soul.
Season 2
Episode 15

We Back!!!!! We took a little break, but now we are back and ready to dive into it. Season 2 starts with the Intermission that focuses on everything that has been going on.
Season 2
Episode 1

"Navigating Friendships Amongst Women" from Woman Intentionally Podcast
In this LIVE episode I spoke with Catherine, Elysse, and Silvadia about navigating friendships with other women. Yes, it can be a struggle, but it can also be very worth it! I truly believe relationships show us ourselves, and teach us valuable...

"Navigating Friendships Amongst Women" from Woman Intentionally Podcast
In this LIVE episode I spoke with Catherine, Elysse, and Silvadia about navigating friendships with other women. Yes, it can be a struggle, but it can also be very worth it! I truly believe relationships show us ourselves, and teach us valuable...
Stressing While PCS'n Part 2 (Alabama)
Tune in as we talk about our travel to “The Gump” and all of the things we encountered while being far away from family for the first time. Some of our most challenging lessons were learned while being stationed in Alabama.
Season 1
Episode 13

Stressing While PCS'n
In this episode, Alex and Elysse talk about the stress of moving around in the military and the effect it can have on being stationed somewhere unfamiliar.
Season 1
Episode 12

Military Relationships Part 2
Alex and Elysse continue to discuss what life in the military is like and how the relationships they developed with our co-works, friends, family, and, most importantly, each other evolved. This week, they focus on the struggles they had ...
Season 1
Episode 11

Military Relationships Part 1
Alex and Elysse discuss what life in the military is like and how the relationships they developed with our co-works, friends, family, and, most importantly, each other evolved.
Season 1
Episode 10

How to raise 4 young men to respect women
In this episode, Alex and Elysse discuss what it is like raising four young men to respect women.
Season 1
Episode 9

It's All About Elysse!
What's up, Family. Keeping in line with this month's theme being all about women empowerment. This episode is all about Elysse as we highlight her paths, struggles, triumphs, and life.
Season 1
Episode 8

Powerful Influences
In this episode, Alex and Elysse talk about the powerful and influential women in their lives.
Season 1
Episode 7

What's Your Love Language?
In this episode, Alex and Elysse talk about the five love languages in a relationship. They break down the ones that apply to them and how it has shaped their marriage moving forward.
Season 1
Episode 6

Establishing Guardrails
In this episode, Alex and Elysse discuss the importance of establishing guardrails in a relationship. Guardrails help prevent people or vehicles from falling off the road or hitting something. "Relationship Guardrails" help pr...
Season 1
Episode 5